Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019

Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019

 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019
 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019
 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019

Hi Friends,today to going to show you through my step-by-step Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019. So how to built in 2019.Using this Guide You Build Gaming PC Cheap Latests PCs OR Upgrade Old PC Very Easily

  • By the end of this article.
  • You are going to know everything. You need to know to begin your pilgrimage into the wonderful world of PC building. We are going to help you see and follow these steps.
  1. Find the PC components for your build including budget, purpose and types of games you will be playing.
  2. Help you understand how each PC component works, what's the difference and why they are important
  3. Ensure you are fully equipped, tell you what tools you need to build your first PC and prepare you.

Things To Consider To Build Gaming PC

Carefully Follow The Motherboard Manual

Mistakenly thought that assembling.PC was about connecting the components and that you didn’t really have to attach the case bits. What were those for, anyway

  •  The PC would not turn on until connect every last case and mounted connector of headphones and power button and many other things to its slot on the motherboard and do all that stuff now turn your power supply on  then push on the power button on the front that turns the PC on and you just need to do this once.
  • Make sure your motherboard is compatible with your USB
  • Put in all the prong stuff before you start things like the graphics card into the motherboard, you never know when your Graphical processor unit huge fan will block the prongs you need.

Choosing Your Own Budget

When buying a new PC we recommend start with a budget  at least 300$ for core components of your PC, this would be very entry level however and would not be suited for more cutting edge modern games like Call Of Duty 5 and GTA 6 etc.
For playable frame rates in cutting-edge modern games, you’ll want to bump up into the $400-$600 range.
From $700-$800. you’ll be more than well equipped for modern.Titles and you’ll even be able to get into some VR gaming and content creation on the side.
Once you start breaching 1000 $ up to 2000 $  and higher you will find that your returns in actual performance begin to diminish. You will only find this extra performance useful.if you must have the best of the best, or if you plan on streaming/rendering video daily.
Remember: if you decide to purchase a PC. building one remember that it will cost slightly more due to the cost that the PC builder adds on to the price of the build once completed. You can use our list of the best PC builders to find the right company for you.

Understanding What You Needs

You are here and So chances are you’re definitely going to be using this PC to play games. That being said.what kind of games will you be playing.
E Sports titles are made to run decently on low-end systems and very fast on mid-range to high-end systems. If you are only interested in these games and you should not need to spend any more than $400 to this also applies to console emulation and older games.
As we alluded to earlier, cutting edge modern titles will work best at $600 and higher and You want immersive game play at high frame rates and beautiful graphics settings.You want it to stay that way for at least the next three or four years.
If you fancy yourself a professional gamer, or you want to become one, this is when you start treating your PC as an investment. This is when you pay $1000 or more for your PC build, with a Central Processor beefy enough for the streaming and rendering you will be doing on a daily basis.

Components You Will Need To Build A Gaming PC

Follow The Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019
  1. Processor (CPU)
  2. Motherboard (MOBO)
  3. Graphic Card (GPU)
  4. Memory (RAM)
  5. Storage (SSD or HDD)
  6. Power Supply Unit (PSU)
  7. PC Case

Processor (CPU)

The Central Processor of a computer is known as the (CPU)  .This processor handles all the system instructions, such as processing mouse and keyboard input,system software's and running applications and many other things.
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Some Types Of Processor | 2019

  • Best CPU: AMD Ry-zen 7 2700X. AMD's victory lap.
  • Best high-end CPU: Intel Core i9-9900K. Raw power.
  • Best mid-range CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X.
  • Excellent Entry Level CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 2200G.
  • Exceptional VR CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X,
  • Best performance processor: Intel Core i9-9980XE.
  • Read More

Motherboard (MOBO) 

motherboard is known as the main board, main circuit board, system board, baseboard and planar board or logic board and colloquially.


It holds and allows communication between many of the crucial electronic components of a system.Such as the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals. A motherboard usually contains significant sub PC.


Such as the central processor and the chip sets input and output and memory controllers interface connectors and other components integrated for general purpose use and application memory controls and much more.

 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019
 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019

Graphic Card (GPU)

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a single chip processor primarily used to manage and boost the performance of a Computer OR A programmable logic chip (processor) specialized for display functions.
The GPU renders images, animations,audios and videos for the computers screen. GPU are located on plug in cards, in a chip set on the motherboard or in the same chip as the CPU.
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Image Of  Graphics Processing Unit Is Under.

Graphics Processing Unit - Laptop GPU | Up Technology
Graphics Processing Unit

Memory (RAM)

Random-access memory is a form of computer data storage that stores data and machine code currently being used.
  • A random-access memory device.
  • Allows data items.
  • To Read or Written in almost the same amount of time irrespective of location of data inside the memory.
  • Read More

 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019
 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019

Storage (SDD or HDD)

Hard Disk (HDD)

A hard disk is actually a set of stacked disks, like phonograph records. Each disk has data recorded electromagnetically in concentric circles, or tracks, on the disk.
Two heads, one on each side of a disk, read or write the data as the disk spins. Each read or write operation requires that data be located, an operation called a seek. Data already in a disk cache will be located more quickly.
An SSD (solid-state drive) is a type of nonvolatile storage media that stores persistent data on solid-state flash memory. Two key components make up an SSD a flash controller and NADND flash memory chips.I think now you under stand Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019.

The architectural configuration

The architectural configuration of the SSD controller is optimized to deliver high read and write performance. For Both sequential and random data requests SSDs are sometimes referred to as flash drives or solid-state disks.

 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019
 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019

Power Supply Unit (PSU)

A power supply unit (or PSU) converts mains AC to low-voltage regulated DC Power for the components of a computer.

Modern personal computers

  • universally use switched mode power supplies.
  • Some power supplies have a manual switch for selecting input voltage and others are automatically adapt to the mains voltage.

 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019
 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019

PC Case

 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019
 Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019

Thanks For watching Our  Guide To Build Gaming PC in 2019
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