3 Digital Marketing Strategies That Work

3 Digital Marketing Strategies That Work

3 Digital Marketing Strategies That Work
3 Digital Marketing Strategies That Work https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

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Digital marketing trends come and go at an accelerating rate. It is difficult to keep up when what was performing well one day can decrease your rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs) the next because Google has released a new algorithm.

The world of digital marketing can be tedious at best, but that doesn’t mean marketers have to give up hope whenever trouble strikes. Here is a definitive list of three digital marketing strategies that continue to work, and are forecasted to remain popular into 2019.

Content Marketing

Google deems content marketing as a crucial element of any business’ digital marketing efforts. Marketers place content marketing ahead of big data, AI and social media marketing. Content marketing, however, is more than writing a blog post with a few keywords dotted throughout. Infographics, video, live video streaming, and podcasts are all forms of content marketing that are not only just as effective as the traditional blog post, but are going to rise in popularity as we enter 2019.

However, you cannot neglect on-page content marketing. When Google released a new algorithm named Fred, many websites that were heavily promotional suffered. Before Fred, there was Penguin and Panda, which saw to the end of black-hat SEO practices, such as keyword stuffing and invisible text. This left a lot of marketers clutching at straws.

To stop your business being caught out by new and rising trends, or the appearance of a Google algorithm that may turn your SEO strategy on its head, the specialists at digitalmarkgroup.com can offer services for on-page SEO, keyword targeting and link building.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is here to stay. The likes of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit are remaining popular forms of entertainment for the public, where people can share their lives, speak their minds and remain updated with the brands they follow. The basis of social media is the same: Instagram is still visually dominating, while Twitter remains a place to express yourself in 280 characters or less. What’s changing or continuing to be useful in social media, though?

Live video streaming allows real-time access for viewers. Brands can, therefore, use Instagram Live or Facebook Live to drop the release of a new line, report updates and create authenticity.

Instagram Stories continue to refine itself, with the inclusion of personalized filters created by celebrities, a Q&A option, and a messaging system so that followers can interact with a brand or influencer. This highly interactive platform keeps users entertained, plus brands can be creative, use it to speak to their customers and improve engagement rates.

Social media platforms are continuing to clean up. Twitter is purging millions of fake accounts to improve the user experience and Facebook has blocked apps accessing user data and is attempting to offer more transparency after the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Google Home, Amazon Echo…

TechCrunch predicts that 55% of US households will have voice-enabled smart speakers by 2022. This adoption of smart speakers means marketers are looking for ways to utilize the predicted voice search revolution Google Home and Amazon Echo are sure to bring.

This means you need to ensure your marketing team properly updates your business’ local listings so that if someone were to search for “Thai restaurants in New York,” then Alexa or Google Home would recognize the business and offer it as a suggestion.

What’s more, use keywords that are conversational, such as long-tail phrases, to replicate how someone speaks in real-life. This is the end of caveman talk and keywords (e.g., Thai restaurant New York) as we know it.


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