5 Reasons SEO is Important for Small Business Owners

5 Reasons SEO is Important for Small Business Owners

5 Reasons SEO is Important for Small Business Owners
5 Reasons SEO is Important for Small Business Owners https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

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Being a small business owner is no easy task, and it’s a job that eats into nearly every hour of your day. You have to compete in a niche market against thousands of other businesses, and you don’t always have the capital or manpower to overcome big changes in the market.

But there’s a secret weapon that small business owners can use to boost their profits: SEO. SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” If you’re unfamiliar with what SEO is, read our guide on SEO in 2019. Basically, SEO can make your website more visible on search engine queries through the incorporation of keywords, links, and other features that search engines look for on a site.

Unfortunately, lots of small business owners have never heard of SEO, even though it’s one of the most important and effective digital marketing strategies. Here are 5 reasons why SEO is a necessity for small business owners.


There are two free marketing strategies that are available for small business owners. The first is word-of-mouth. The second is SEO. SEO just might be one of the most effective and affordable ways to market your small business.

Larger companies pay SEO strategists thousands of dollars per month for their services. Paid SEO work can be very effective, but you can incorporate great SEO on your website all on your own. There are plenty of great resources online that will teach you all about the field, so take a little time every day to learn new SEO strategies. In no time, you’ll be knowledgeable enough to come up with an SEO plan for your own website. And you won’t have to pay a dime.

It’s Good for Any Business

Literally, any business can use SEO to boost its profits. It doesn’t matter whether your business is retail-based or online based, customer service-oriented or client-oriented. Good SEO can draw web traffic to your site, and the more web traffic you get, the more sales you might be able to convert.

If you own a restaurant, you can benefit from SEO when people search for restaurants in your area. If your website is well-optimized, it will be one of the first search results that those hungry patrons see. You can even benefit from SEO if you’re running a plumbing company (we’re not kidding—just check out these tips on SEO for plumbers by Housecall Pro). You don’t have to be an online-based company to reap the rewards of strong digital marketing.

You Can Earn Good Word-of-Mouth

Like we mentioned earlier, good word-of-mouth is a free marketing strategy. SEO can help good word-of-mouth about your business spread across the Internet. People love posting reviews about businesses on websites like Google My Business, Yelp, and TripAdvisor. If your company earns good reviews on these sites, it’s more likely that your business will be listed higher on search rankings.

Make an effort to get happy customers to post reviews on these sites. When you notice that a customer is enthusiastic about your product or service, ask them if they wouldn’t mind talking about in on an online review site. Remind them that you’re a small business and you could really benefit from receiving good reviews online.

You Can Get Wide Exposure

SEO enables your business to get exposure to millions of Internet users, and for and extremely low cost, if any. A lot of small business owners are discouraged by Internet advertising because they feel as if their websites are hidden by the billions of other sites online. But good SEO can put your website in front of competitors. And if you run an online-based business, it’s the only way you can make your online business successful.

You Can Boost Web Traffic

Good SEO will bring more web traffic to your company’s website. Higher web traffic alone is a great way to make more money because you can start selling ad space on the site.

Remember that just because people visit your site, doesn’t mean they’ll necessarily buy the product or service that your business offers. To get a higher conversion rate, make sure you build a great website (if you need some tips on how to create a great website structure, see our guide on how to set up a website).

You don’t need to pay professional to manage your website for you. Use the WordPress web design app to easily create a beautiful web site that runs at fast speeds. Be sure to incorporate lots of call-to-actions to entice visitors to buy into your business.

Don’t skip out on SEO! While it might be difficult to master, you can significantly boost your company’s visibility by just integrating basic SEO strategies into your website.

Originally posted 2019-05-16 18:43:36. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

The post 5 Reasons SEO is Important for Small Business Owners appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

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