Search Engine Optimization – A Beginners Guide

Search Engine Optimization – A Beginners Guide

Search Engine Optimization – A Beginners Guide
Search Engine Optimization – A Beginners Guide

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The world in which we currently reside exists mostly within the realm of digital media. Books are now digital, newspapers, magazines, music, television, all digital.  Not to mention photographs, alarm clocks, calendars, address books, notes, and even sketch pads. You can order a meal by taping certain things on your smartphone, get directions by asking Siri or Google Assistant.

Everything is slowly being replaced with a digital version. So much of our lives revolve around the digital world; marketing and advertising have also become mostly digital.

Once upon a time, we relied on billboards, flyers, and other types of signs; we now have social media, email, websites, SEO, and more.

If you are trying to get started with digital marketing, there are two main options – hiring a professional company like Align Digital Marketing – SEO services or learn about SEO yourself.

Here, you are going to learn the basics of SEO as we go through a basic beginner’s guide. You will learn about what exactly SEO is, how it works, how to utilize it, and more.

What is SEO?

The first thing you need to learn is what is SEO. This acronym stands for Search Engine Optimization, but what does that really mean?

Each search engine has its own algorithms that determine which sites get the best rankings and which ones fall low on the list.

The goal of SEO is to get those algorithms to place your site high on the list. There are plenty of technical terms that can be used to describe the inner workings of search engine algorithms, but they are not necessary to be able to fully understand how they work.

SEO Algorithms

First, they are programmed to scour the internet, every website, every social media page, every file, every conceivable corner of the internet.

While they are doing this, they are looking for very specific things. They look for keywords and key phrases to determine what the content is about. Then they gather all of this information and compare all of the content that is on the same subject against each other.

There are very specific aspects that the algorithms look for to determine where on the list of similar content each site will be placed. These aspects are where SEO comes in, therefore, this is what you will be learning about next.

SEO Campaigns

The first vital aspect that must be learned to achieve a fantastic SEO marketing campaign. This is, of course, keywords and key phrases.

This is what the algorithms look for to determine what category your site falls within. Each site will have a list of keywords to use together or alone in various conglomerations to be the most effective. Keywords must be directly related to the business.


They should encompass industry, specialty, business name, and prime product or service sold. Consider a used bookstore. Some examples of good keywords would include books,  bookstore, used books, classics, fiction, non-fiction, books for sale, and vintage books.

Now that you understand keywords, the next thing you need to learn about is the website itself. The first question that must be answered is do you already have a website or do you need to create one?

If you do not yet have a website, there are three options available to you. The first is to hire a professional. There is a multitude of professional web designers, graphic artists, and computer scientists that are ready and willing to handle the creation of your website. This is assuredly one of the best options, but is not always a financial possibility, especially for new and small businesses. The second option is to do it yourself or have an employee build the website. This is a good option, but seldom a possibility due to a lack of knowledge and skill.

The third option is to use a web hosting service. If you do not have someone in-house with the skills and cannot afford to hire a professional, this is the option that you will need to utilize. This is a very simple and cheap option while still giving the opportunity for a fantastic website. You will be guided through the process after you choose a hosting service, so no skills are required. After you have established a website it is time to fill it with the content that will drive customers to your site and provide a way for them to buy your products.

There are several things that must be included on a great website. The first is contact details including the business address, phone number, email, and customer service. It is vital that your customers be able to reach you regarding questions or problems.

The next thing you will need is a product catalog that customers can browse. This should include pictures of the product, specifications, and price. Next, you need to add pictures of the building that your business is located in, products, and managing employees.

The next thing you need to add is a key element in SEO; articles, stories, information. Your keywords should be scattered through the site, but the articles and blog posts are where you will be utilizing keywords the most.

If you or an in-house employee has the skills to write the articles, you will save money, but because of their importance, do not hesitate to invest in a professional to write them for you. You can hire a service or a freelancer.

Social Media

The final thing you need to learn about is utilizing social media platforms. You will need to establish a page on all of the major platforms and promote them. After you have fairly established pages it is time to begin filling each page with links to your website, articles from your website, keywords, hashtags.

This is how you connect the SEO campaign and spread it on a much larger scale. This is also a great place to begin establishing a network of backlinks.  This is a system of links to your site posted on other sites.

Social media allows you to post some link backs yourself, but it also supplies a great place to connect with other businesses and bloggers that may be interested in posting a link for you.

Originally posted 2018-08-08 23:52:51. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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