10 UX Design Techniques Beneficial for the Newbie Designers

10 UX Design Techniques Beneficial for the Newbie Designers

10 UX Design Techniques Beneficial for the Newbie Designers
10 UX Design Techniques Beneficial for the Newbie Designers https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

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Mobile app developers and app UX designers go hand in hand. A digital world that is driven by an impeccable user-experience, the demand for having exceptional UX designers on board has increased tremendously –which translates to a world of great opportunities for the newbie UX designers.

Since you get to avail of these opportunities and demonstrate your skills and creativity.

A mobile app needs to be fully functional but also be optimized in terms of the experience it provides to the users – only then it has the ability to stand out in a saturated mobile app marketplace and retain its user-base. This is why software development companies banks on its entire team of dedicated UX designers to create a winning app experience for the targeted market and audience.

To further solidify the demand of UX designers in every software development company, let’s consider the staggering numbers of apps on app stores; which, according to Statista is 2.8 Million Android and 2.2 Million iOS apps.

Now for a newbie, the journey towards becoming a professional UX designer begins when they start taking on real clients – for this, they need to be equipped with the right knowledge beforehand. This includes knowing the latest UX design techniques to incorporate ensuring optimal app performance in terms of user experience.

App UX Design Techniques Every Fresher Designer Should Know

The methods discussed below are crucial for a great design and should be taken into consideration by every UX designer that has just stepped into the career.

Ample Research

No project is complete without research, and the same goes for UX design phase – it requires extensive research before even starting the planning phase. The designers need to study their targeted audience and competitors among other things, which reduces the possibilities of errors, simplifies design decisions and allows designers to learn from examples – especially for the newbies.

What could user-research involve?

Since this form of research is more or less an investigation of users and their requirements, there are many techniques to gather valuable user data. User research includes a number of things, like interviews, personas, and contextual inquiries.

Focus on Responsive Designs

Responsive designs are nothing new and have become the standard. So make sure you are on top of your game with versatile and responsive design techniques and skills –as companies want a fresher that is well-versed with the ways of responsive designing.

In a nutshell, your app UX design should be fluid enough to fit devices of all screen sizes – particularly Android and iOS.

For example, designing a neat Samsung Galaxy S20 mockup and thinking you’re done, isn’t the best way to go about designing UX for a mobile app. You need to consider various other devices including tablet screens and other Android phones still sporting screens as small as 320px. If your design doesn’t cut it for them, your app is reduced to a specific number of users that own devices that can support your design. So make sure you have significant knowledge in this methodology, as it is not only important for your employment prospects, but also for your work credibility.

Coding Procedure

UX designers are expected to have adequate coding knowledge, as programming is essential in this area. UX coding helps designers in various ways. Some of them are:

  • Bridging Communication Gap: A UX designer can easily communicate his designs to the developers through their own language: which is of code, and this will reduce any misunderstanding of the design and wrongful implementation of it.
  • Realistic Expectations and Efficiency: When a UX designer is knowledgeable about coding practices related to design, they will know the limitations and possibilities of their design. In addition to this, they will be self-sufficient is putting together their own prototypes.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: When issues arrive of usability while designing user-experience, a designer can address issues head-on through critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Since knowing how to program in HTML, CS, and JavaScript preps the mind for more than one way of going about a problem and keeps it agile.

Writing Technique

Not highlighted often as an important skill to have as a UX designer, when it plays a big role in adding quality to user experience. The better the message conveyed and in attractive style – the better users will interact with the design.

Prototyping and Wireframing

One of the main skills to have is the ability to prototype and wireframe your UX designs. A prototype could be on a paper but an actual unit that is clickable and tangible is better. While a wireframe is a graphic representation of your app, showing main elements of your content, the layout of your structure, and the basic UI. Much like a blueprint.

Testing Techniques

No product is complete without adequate testing, and a UX designer should know how to perform tests on the designs. Which involves analytics and mathematics like ratio.

Agile Knowledge

Agile knowledge will assist UXers in devising sophisticated yet robust design solutions. With developers and software engineers on board in the design process, it helps tackle design issues from all areas. So agile does wonders for UX designers.

Knowing How to Satisfy Users

Cliché as it sounds, it is actually the toughest job and one way to go about it successfully is by solving a big user problem(s) through your UX design. As long as users are getting the desired outcome, they will be satisfied.

Prioritizing User-Centric Designs

The competition is stiff and demands UX designers to focus on providing original yet user-centric designs that specifically cater to the audience and not necessarily amplify the app – which is also important. However, since we are fighting against several competitors, you need to stand out in the crowd and the best way is to win the favor of the user-end.

Tasks Optimization

UX design isn’t an easy challenge, and designers should optimize their tasks when they are working. You need to be productive and with a mind that is clear of all the extra rubble that may hinder your work. So learn the art of task optimization, and you will ace your work!

In Conclusion

UX design reigns the mobile app development world providing users with an impeccable experience that is perfectly intertwined with the background functionality. So as a newbie, develop these UX design techniques that will put you on the path of success in your already rewarding career.

Author Bio: Zubair is a digital enthusiast who loves to write on various trends, including Tech, Software Development, AI, and Personal Development. He is a passionate blogger and loves to read and write. He currently works at Custom Mobile app development companies that offer top-notch Mobile app development services to clients across the globe. 

Originally posted 2020-02-28 19:50:41. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

The post 10 UX Design Techniques Beneficial for the Newbie Designers appeared first on Information Technology Blog.

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