Improving Speaker Sound Quality with the use of Smart Amplifier Technology

Improving Speaker Sound Quality with the use of Smart Amplifier Technology

Improving Speaker Sound Quality with the use of Smart Amplifier Technology
Improving Speaker Sound Quality with the use of Smart Amplifier Technology

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Speakers are devices which are responsible for converting electronic signals from an electronic device such as a radio or a CD player into an audible voice. However, sometimes speakers need to be boosted in order to produce quality and louder sound.

Investing in a high-quality amplifier such as a Bose amplifier may serve you better in producing quality and louder sound waves from your speakers. The company has used an innovative technology such as smart amplifier technology to ensure that audio devices produce the best volume and quality sound.

Use of Smart Amplifier Technology

A smart amplifier serves two purposes in striving to ensure your device produces the best audio sound quality. It helps prevent mechanical and thermal failures which may affect the sound quality as well as improve the quality of sound produced by your device. There are several blocks that have been incorporated in the smart amplifier.

The new blocks in a smart amplifier include:

Smart bass: When there is high signal amplitude, the block adjusts automatically and the bass response to accommodate larger excursions. This algorithm combines psychoacoustic know-how, the speaker mode and the selected target response of the user.

Protection: this helps the speakers change adaptively the amplifier characteristics thus preventing overheating and also over-excursion.

Smart EQ: it identifies and automatically changes high frequencies so as to match a target curve or deliver a flat response.

Loud Speaker Failure Prevention

It’s quite common for speakers to develop thermal or mechanical problems. Some of the thermal failures include:

High-temperature cause melting or burning of the wires which may result in a poor sound output.

As a result of high temperatures, the adhesives holding the voice coil together soften, this results in coming apart of the coil.

There are also mechanical failures associated with a poor sound output of the speakers. Some of the mechanical failures include:

A speaker coil moves only a small fraction of an inch. However, when drive signal requires movement exceeding the normal limits, the coil may be forced to hit the backplate of the speaker which leads to low volume with clicking sound.

To prevent speaker failure, the smart amplifier technology provides speaker protection methods that have speaker characterization tools, predictive algorithms and real-time signal monitoring that help prevent speaker damage due to speaker output adjustments.

Improving Sound Quality

Smart amplifier technology provides a smooth true bass transition at low volume to harmonic bass extension and in high volumes provided that there is enough headroom for the excursion. The technology brings this into reality by employing psychoacoustics in the field of research putting more emphasis on the acoustic ear response and the brain perception of sound. The smart technology makes the brain perceive low volume sound which is actually not the case.

Smart amplifier technology has helped in improving the performance of loudspeakers by providing tools that are used for enhancing the sound output of the speakers. Therefore, no matter how smaller the device, smart amplifier technology has ensured that the devices are able to produce high-quality volume. The technology has also ensured that sound output devices are protected from thermal and mechanical damage.

Originally posted 2018-05-09 18:04:51. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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