What Developers Need to Know about Cybersecurity

What Developers Need to Know about Cybersecurity

What Developers Need to Know about Cybersecurity
What Developers Need to Know about Cybersecurity https://ift.tt/2WhLQx4

Have you ever considered developing an app for your business? Well, statistics show that customers are increasingly using mobile devices to access crucial information about various companies. By 2020, it’s estimated that approximately 284 billion mobile apps will be in use.

Based on the projections, you’ll opine that it will be a great loss to operate a business without a reliable app in the future. However, its development and implementation may expose your organization to cybersecurity threats.

If you doubt your ability to develop a safe app for your business, then this article will guide you through all the vulnerabilities that you should avoid during the process.

Top 4 Vulnerabilities All Developers Should Know About

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

XSS vulnerability only occurs when you fail to filter information getting to your SQL server. As a result, cybercriminals may execute harmful codes on end-users without their knowledge. If you fail to mitigate this risk, the criminals will hijack your sessions, misuse your website cookies, install malicious programs, or spoof your content.

This attack has the potential to destroy your business! It can lead to altering of information on your products, misleading messages to your email list, or harvesting of crucial data from your clients.

There exist three types of XSS vulnerabilities. This section highlights various tips for protecting your app from the risks.

File Upload

Malicious individuals can target the file uploading process to access your end-user window. They achieve this by injecting a malicious script into your HTML codes. The script is executed whenever the file is opened and can lead to incredible damage to your organization. Such criminals will take over the operation of your website and attack your clients with unsolicited demands leading to loss of your reputation.

Protecting your app. To avert this risk, you should always restrict the kind of files that can be uploaded into your system. You’ll achieve this through limiting file size, applying whitelisting filters, or validating file contents before upload.

Stored XSS

This occurs when cybercriminals inject malicious files, which are consequently stored on your server. If your website allows content sharing, then you’re vulnerable to this form of attack. This may include blogs, message boards, and social media platforms

Protecting your website. You must evaluate every user’s input.

Reflected XSS

This vulnerability occurs when cybercriminals inject executable malicious codes in your HTTP response. While the code is not necessarily stored in your server, your website visitors will be lured into clicking a malicious link.

As a result, the code gets into the application and reflects like a genuine command from the server leading to an easy execution.

Protecting your app: You must always use a reliable input validation technique. The verification method should be based on the kind of data expected in any input. Any variation should be averted to stop the execution of any malicious commands.

Client-State Manipulation

The vulnerability manifests when the server provides malicious information that is passed as an HTTP request from the client.

Happens when servers provide state information to a client, and it’s passed back as part of an HTTP request from the client. … [[if:_cookie.is_admin]]Yes. [[if:uid]][[if:!_db. uid.is_admin]]checked[[/if:!_db. uid.is_admin]][[/if:uid]] name= is_admin value= False >No.[[/if:_cookie.is_admin]]
Protecting Your App. You should always evaluate the validity of the information received from your web-clients, including hidden inputs. Also, avoid using GET requests for your sensitive data

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Cybercriminals can use HTTP requests to get access to users’ information as they use their authenticated sites. If you handle state-changing requests, then you should be wary of this form of attack. Some of the activities associated with it include making purchases and changing your site’s password.

Protecting your app. You should always use unique tokens, which are difficult to be spoofed and easy to verify.

SQL Injection

This is characterized by the use of malicious code injections with the aim of your database. Cybercriminals will inject an SQL query through the client’s input to the app. This results in the following:

  • Interfering with your data
  • Disclosing your private data
  • Data destruction
  • Spoofing your identity
  • Invalidating transactions

Protecting Your App. It’s recommended that your statements have variable binding. This allows your systems to distinguish data from code accurately. Alternatively, you can use whitelisting to give specific features to valid inputs.

Never Stop Learning

Cybercriminals are highly dynamic, and they change tactics frequently. As such, your current protection measures may be outdated sooner than you think!

To continually protect your systems, you should learn new techniques to protect your app from the vulnerabilities detailed herein. Never fear to invest in getting adequate cybersecurity knowledge. It could be all that you need to save your business from a possible attack and eventual collapse.

It doesn’t matter how small a breach is. It will disrupt your normal operations and stir uncertainty among your customers. Such an occurrence is the ugliest that any business owner can face in their entrepreneurship journey. Stay safe from such frustrations by implementing the tips provided in this article to avert all the risks facing your business’s app.

Originally posted 2019-10-28 17:51:02. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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