Banning ChatGPT in schools will be hard, so teachers should treat ChatGPT like a calculator: assume students are using it unless they are physically supervised (Kevin Roose/New York Times)

Banning ChatGPT in schools will be hard, so teachers should treat ChatGPT like a calculator: assume students are using it unless they are physically supervised (Kevin Roose/New York Times)

Banning ChatGPT in schools will be hard, so teachers should treat ChatGPT like a calculator: assume students are using it unless they are physically supervised (Kevin Roose/New York Times)

Banning ChatGPT in schools will be hard, so teachers should treat ChatGPT like a calculator: assume students are using it unless they are physically supervised (Kevin Roose/New York Times)

Kevin Roose / New York Times:
Banning ChatGPT in schools will be hard, so teachers should treat ChatGPT like a calculator: assume students are using it unless they are physically supervised  —  OpenAI's new chat bot is raising fears of cheating on homework, but its potential as an educational tool outweighs its risks.

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